Temporary Synthetic Dreadlock Extensions

Also commonly known and referred to simply as “synth” or “synthetic” dreadlock extension, temporary, synthetic dreadlocks can be made out of a wide variety of materials from the more common kanekalon (synthetic hair) or wool roving to foam and plastic tubing. For the sake of this informational page, however, we will be focusing primarily on synthetic/kanekalon dreads as these are the types of dreadlocks we make and offer here at Radiant Roots.

Folks may choose temporary synthetic dreadlocks to “try out” having dreadlocks for a little while to see if they want to take the plunge “permanently”. Still others simply like the versatility of being able to change dreadlock styles as easily as removing and re-placing their synthetic locks with a new set. Some simply don’t want the commitment of permanent locks. Whatever your reason is for considering temporary, synthetic locks we are excited to help get you started!

Temporary, synthetic dreadlocks can last from 6 weeks – 3 months depending on several different factors including how messy you can tolerate the roots being, and how rough you are on them. It is normal for them to “fluff up” a bit after the initial installatoin or get “fuzzies” on the surface. It is recommended that you not leave them in any longer than 3 months because the roots of your natural hair may begin to knot and dread naturally around the synthetic locks and make it difficult to comb out afterwards. The good news, though, is that although you need to remove them you can ALWAYS put them back in!

Please note that currently due to schedule constraints I am unable to create sets of extensions that I will not myself also be installing. I apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to visit the Synthetic Dreadlock Guide for suggestions on sellers on Etsy to order from.